AMOS Experiment at LBNL

a working group of the Chemical Sciences Division of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 

 (The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is operated by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy) 

Welcome to the inter-communication webpage of the



Chemical Sciences Division of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

"Many Particle Momentum Spectroscopy with Synchrotron Radiation and High Harmonic Laserpulses as well as Electron Impact"

This group is active at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in California/USA. LBNL is operated by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy. The AMOS group is located in building 2 at first, thrid and forth floor.

Main Contact Person(s):

    Staff Scientist
Dr. Daniel Slaughter
Tel.: 1 510 486 4847
E-mail: Daniel Slaughter

    Staff Scientist
Dr. Thorsten Weber
Tel.: 1 510 486 5588
E-mail: Thorsten Weber

You are hosted by our file and web server

This webpage mainly serves for fast and convienent exchange of information and files.

Note that this is a service of the experimental part of the AMOS group only. The theoretical group of AMO Berkeley can be reached via their LINUX machine THEORY .

In case of any querries see contact(s) above. Do not hesitate to write a relavant e-mail or call for further (science-related) information.

Please note: This webpage is optimized for Microsoft Internet Explorer. Certain buttons will not work if you are using Firefox or Netscape for instance. We are sorry for the inconvience - please switch to Microsoft Internet Explorer when you experience any problems. Thanks.

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Department of Energy

to read again:
http://amo-csd.lbl.govContact: Dr. Thorsten Weber • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory • 1 Cyclotron Road • Berkeley CA-94720 • Tel: 1 (510) 486 5588