Welcome to the
Atomic Molecular and Optical Sciences group
This is the welcome page of the AMOS experimental group of the
Chemical Sciences Division of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
"Many Particle Momentum Spectroscopy with Synchrotron Radiation and High Harmonic Laserpulses as well as Electron impact"
- Dr. Daniel Slaughter and Dr. Thorsten Weber -
The experimental Atomic Molecular and Optical Science group is a working group of young investigators active in the field of atomic, molecular and optical physics. Conicident electron and recoil-ion (momentum) spectroscopy is used to investigate many particle problems induced by the fragmentation of small atoms and molecules with light (photons from synchrotron, short laser pulses and high harmonics) and slow electrons. The experimental AMOS Group is part of the Chemcial Sciences Division of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) which is operated by the University of California Berkeley (UCB) for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The experimental group is led by Dr. Daniel Slaughter and Dr. Thorsten Weber and conducts experiments at the Advanced Light Source (ALS) and laser facilites in building 2 of LBNL. Use this website to get information about the research field(s) and the network the AMOS group is active in.
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