AMOS Experiment at LBNL

a working group of the Chemical Sciences Division of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 

 (The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is operated by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy) 

Become a member of the experimental Atomic Molecular and Optical Sciences AMOS group

"Many Particle Momentum Spectroscopy with Synchrotron Radiation and High Harmonic Laserpulses as well as Electron Impact"

If working at a high class international research lab sounds interesting to you please consider the following information:

What kind of projects are we working on ?

The working group does active experimental reseach in atomic molecular and optical sciences (many-particle-momentum-spectroscopy). See for instance our COLTRIMS flyer: COLTRIMS FLYER. There are many exciting tasks in the form of a master/diploma and Ph.D. work, which contain the following fields (or parts of it):

  • Project engineering of experiments and research programs
  • Simulation and design of electron and ion spectrometers (imaging technology) and laser optics
  • Set-up, test and constant improvment of time and position sensitive detectors
  • Design and set-up of (Ultra-)High Vacuum systems
  • Electronic readout, logical circuits and digital processing of detector signals
  • On- and offline analysis of (listmode) data files, calibration and full analysis
  • Writing of articles for specific journals, creating posters and talks for (international) conferences and meetings

What you need to bring: Curiosity, play-instinct, fun against tinkering and improvising, desire on teamwork, interest in the project of the team colleague, the study of physics (see also Physik-studieren-in-Frankfurt.pdf for German diploma students) or chemistry

Since there is no University professor directly working in the experimental Atomic Molecular and Optics Science group at LBNL you would have to find an offical supervisor i.e. Professor by yourself. Possible candiadtes are: Prof. Dr. Bill McCurdy (LBNL/UC Berkeley/UC Davis), Prof. Dr. Ann Orel (UC Davis), Prof. Dr. Reinhard Doerner (University of Frankfurt/Germany), Prof. Dr. Joachim Ullrich (Max Planck Institut Heidelberg/Germany), Prof. Dr. Allen Landers (Auburn University/Alabama), or any other Professor who is interested in AMO sciences and willing to support you. Just get in contact with them and tell them about your intention. Note that Dr. Weber is an affiliate professor of the Auburn Physics department and he gladly hosts and supervises summer, bachelor, masters and Ph.D. students. Interested students are encouraged to contact Thorsten directly (Email: Thorsten Weber).

Please infer more information from the following columns: [Master or Diploma], [PhD], [Post Doctoral]

Master or Diploma Thesis:

Already Master or Diploma projects can cover a complete experiment (idea, design, set-up, execution and analysis). Besides this it is however possible to take care of a subproject (like construction, design, set-up and test of existing apparatuses as well as intricate data analysis). Assignments in position sensitive detector and laser techniques are also conceivable. It is even possible to do joint projects with the University of Frankfurt/Germany (Institut-fuer-Kernphysik) or the Auburn University (College of Sciences and Mathematics).

A Master or Diploma student has to learn to approach an open scientific question, to do considerations and estimates, to plan and design the apparatus, to operate the system and process the detector signals as well as to read and analyse the data. The student should learn to work independently and as a member of an international team.

It is worth while to approach the AMOS group in an early stage of the study in order to get insight into the work and projects and plan the training phase. We are always able to find individual (custom-made) tasks for the applicant.

Requirements: A Bachelor/Prediploma(Vordiplom)/University physics or chemistry courses, fun at tinkering and experimenting, no fear at the soldering iron and the computer (we will show and explain everything - it's easy - you will see)

Remember that you still have to find an official University supervisor to get your degree in the end (see paragraph above).

Special Note for Diploma Students from Frankfurt, Auburn or Heidelberg: Before you come to Berkeley please try to study the following subjects in your research group in Germany. Make use of the given infrastructure in your home institution.

  • Design and simulation of the spectrometer (use Excel, SIMION or MrSimulizer)
  • Detector setup, readout and optimization
  • NIM electronics (like fast amplifier, constant fraction and logic modules)
  • Vacuum pumps (turbo, scroll, roots, welch, rotary vane, cryo, etc.) and flange norms (quick flange and CF)
  • COLTRIMS chamber (set-up, pumping down and venting, baking)
  • Supersonic gas jet (operating and diagnostics)
  • COBOLD: data acquisition and analysis program
  • Helmholtz coils and rainbow coils: function and operation


PhD projects cover all the specified tasks and fields mentioned above. It is also expected that you work in close connection with your team mates and supervise trainees or Master/Diploma students. Keep in mind that you would have to find a Professor as an official supervisor at any University you like. If you are interested please consult Student_and_PostDoctoral_Opportunities first. Do not be disencouraged when there is no official posting: Just contatct directly

AMOS Group Leader: Dr. Ali Belkacem
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Chemical Sciences Division
One Cyclotron Road

Mailstop: 2-R0100
Tel.: 1 (510) 486 7778
Fax.: 1 (510) 486 7779
E-mail: Ali Belkacem

(write in English or French)


Staff Scientist: Dr. Thorsten Weber
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Chemical Sciences Division
One Cyclotron Road

Mailstop: 2-R0100
Tel.: 1 (510) 486 5588
Fax.: 1 (510) 486 5494
E-mail: Thorsten Weber

(write in English or German)

Please ask which current and future projects could be handled. The work will be carried out in the AMOS labs of building 2 or the Advanved Light Source ALS ( at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. The projects at the ALS are carried out in close collaboration with the University in Frankfurt (Prof. Dr. R. D�rner: Atomphysik Frankfurt), Kansas State University (Prof. Dr. L. Cocke: AMO @ JRM) and the Auburn University (Prof. Dr. A. Landers: AMO-Auburn).
Graduate students are assigned with responsible tasks and have to train Bachelor, Master and Diploma student, as well as trainees and pupils.

Requirements: Degree in Physics or Chemistry (Bachelor, Master or Diploma) with an emphasis on (time and position sensitive) particle spectroscopy, commitment, personal resonsibility, interest in project work

PostDoc Position:

If you are interested please consult Student_and_PostDoctoral_Opportunities first. Do not be disencouraged when there is no official posting: Just contatct directly

AMOS Group Leader: Dr. Ali Belkacem
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Chemical Sciences Division
One Cyclotron Road

Mailstop: 2-R0100
Tel.: 1 (510) 486 7778
Fax.: 1 (510) 486 7779
E-mail: Ali Belkacem

(write in English or French)

We are young team and we are always open for motivated and curious new members.

powered by the

Department of Energy

to read again:
http://amo-csd.lbl.govContact: Dr. Thorsten Weber • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory • 1 Cyclotron Road • Berkeley CA-94720 • Tel: 1 (510) 486 5588