Collaborations of the experimental Atomic Molecular and Optical Sciences AMOS group
Title of the working group:
Many Particle Momentum Spectroscopy with Synchrotron Radiation and High Harmonic Laserpulses as well as Electron Impact
Colaborations with national and international AMO groups:
The experimental AMOS group is in close collaboration with the theoretical group around Prof. Dr. C.W. McCurdy and coworkers. Experiments are inspired by their calculations and vice versa. Both, the experimental as well as the theory group, are located in the same building (building 2 of LBNL) and usally go for lunch together at the Cafeteria having inspiring dicsussions and exchange of ideas.
Since 1997 there is a strong collaboration between international AMO experimentalists using the COLTRIMS method to study the dynamics of many particle systems in the gas phase and on sold state surfaces. Many successful joint projects have been carried out during two-bunch-mode at the Advanced Light Source of the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. There is a dedicated set-up which houses a reaction microscope at LBNL and which is operated and maintained through the experimental AMOS group.
Please find the contact information of the In-House (theory) and international collaboration:
In-House Collaboration:
Prof. Dr. Bill McCurdy
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Chemical Sciences Division
One Cycltron Road
Location: 50B-2245
M.S.: 50B4230
Tel: 1 (510) 486 4283
Fax: 1 (510) 486 4300
E-mail: Bill McCurdy
Web: AMO-Theory
International (COLTRIMS) Collaboration:
Prof. Dr. Charles Lewis Cocke
Kansas State University
James R. McDonald Laboratory
Cardwell Hall
KS-66506 2604
Building: Cardwell
Room: 106
Tel: 1 (785) 532 1609
Fax: 1 (785) 532 6806
E-mail: Lew Cocke
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Dörner
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität
Institut für Kernphysik Frankfurt
Max-von-Laue Str. 1
Room: 01.303
Tel: +49 (69) 798 47 003
Fax: +49 (69) 798 47 100
E-mail: Reinhard Dörner
Prof. Dr. Allen Landers
Auburn University
Department of Physics
206 Allison Lab
Room: 216
Tel: 1 (334) 844 4048
Fax: 1 (334) 844 4613
E-mail: Allen Landers
There is close collaboration between the Auburn working group and the AMOS LBNL team. The exchange of ideas, equipment and personnel is very beneficial for the entire collaboration. Dr. Weber is an affiliate professor of the Auburn Physics department and he gladly hosts and supervises summer, bachelor, masters and Ph.D. students. Interested students are encouraged to contact Thorsten directly (Email: Thorsten Weber).
In addition there is friendly connection to two other COLTRIMS groups:
Prof. Dr. Joachim Ullrich is one of the founders of this kind of atomic and molecular imaging technique, which has beend useed and further developed in many successful experiments at the Advanced Light Source two times a year (two-bunch-mode) since 1997.
The group of Prof. Dr. Kiyoshi Ueda conducts experiments at SPring8 in Kansai/Japan. The COLTIRMS collaboration exchanges many ideas and experiences with his friendly group.
Buddy COLTRIMS Groups:
Prof. Dr. Joachim Ullrich
Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
P.O. Box 10 39 80
D-69029 Heidelberg
Building: Bothe Laboratory
Room 309 (2nd floor)
Tel: +49 (6221) 516 696
Fax: +49 (6221) 516 604
E-mail: Joachim Ullrich
Prof. Dr. Kiyoshi Ueda
Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for advanced materials
Tohoku University
Sendai 980-8577
Room: PN 339
Tel: +81-(0)22-217-5381
Fax: +81-(0)22-217-5380
E-mail: Kiyoshi Ueda